

Photo by isaac sloman on Unsplash

I do not know how to

parcel out my love,

leave breadcrumbs in my wake —

a trail to follow behind me

just enough to be pursued but

never enough to sate the appetite

of one who worked so hard to

stand beside me.

My love is a deluge

sweeping away all in its path

to settle and swirl around

the one who longs to swim

in my depths, dive to my core

I know no other way

and I refuse to learn

the ways of hoarding.

Keep your breadcrumbs

they are too few to wake

the goddess inside me

Bring to me, instead, Poseidon

who is a floodgate, standing up to

my currents with tides of

his own, bringing me to




Rhiannon Carswell

Rhiannon Carswell is a writer based in Salt Lake City, UT. She holds a BA in English and MA in English from Indiana University-South Bend.